Project management by SSIA

Project Management will last 60 months (entire duration of the project). 


 Figure 3: Project Management Structure



Action D2: "After-LIFE+ Communication Plan" <- PREV    ΝΕΧΤ->Action E2: Project Monitoring

After-life plan



Actions Index

Project Timetable

Action A1: Production of traps and attractants

Action A2: Preparatory monitoring of the demonstration areas

Action B1.: Implementation of innovative Med traps at pilot scale

Action B2: Implementation of innovative Med traps at real scale

Action C1.: Monitoring of project's environmental impact

Action C2: Monitoring of project's social-economical impact

Action D1: Dissemination

Action D2: "After-LIFE+ Communication Plan"

Action E1: Project management by SSIA

Action E2: Project Monitoring